Patrick Powell finally charged!

Patrick Powell finally charged with murder and a battery of other charges…

The man charged with Khajeel Mais's murder, Patrick Powell, beside his precious X6

Finally! Patrick Powell, first mentioned by the Sunday Herald, as the man who owned the X6 involved in Khajeel Mais’s killing, has been charged by the police. Now could the mainstream media provide us with the full 100? This case will go down in history as the one that completely exposed the fecklessness of Jamaican media. Fine watchdogs they are! Too fraid to bark! and toothless on top of it!

The Herald may barely be hobbling along but it has all its teeth and doesn’t hesitate to use them, which is why it’s forced to hobble…

Author: ap

writer, editor and avid tweeter

7 thoughts on “Patrick Powell finally charged!”

  1. Finally, indeed…..the issue of the two Jamaica’s rears its ugly head once more. Sadly the law in Jamaica modus operandi is dependent upon your address, financial status and political DNA.

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